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January Program: Cultivating Mindful Rituals | 21 Day Sadhana

Candle, Incense, Mala, Chrystal, Personal Altar for Meditation

This January we set the tone for 2025! Join us as we do this 25 minute set every day for 21 days. Included In This Program: 1 25 Minute Practice For Every Day 3 Supportive Practices For Grounding & Clarity 3 Tutorials on Yogic Living 1 Guide Document 1 Detailed Workshop For Peak Kriya 1 Guided 10 Minute Audio Meditation YES - YOU CAN STILL BEGIN AFTER JANUARY 1st -Find 25 minutes in your day -Put on the video and practice along -Enjoy -the experience- of Clarity entering your life -Harvest the fruits of having mindful rituals -Receive additional supportive practices as we embark on the program -Return to this practice any time you need clarity for the rest of your life A daily practice for 21 days, to help you really calling in that new energy! Make it an experience: Every day, by doing this 25 minute set with us. Your life currently consists of multiple rituals; from brushing your teeth to scrolling on your phone. These unconscious, habitual patterns are sometimes useful but often useless. This practice will activate your inner fire (the engine) enliven your intuition (the decision making capacity) and cultivate positive action toward mindful rituals in your day to day life. We finish with a powerful mantra based Kriya to really cement the ‘what - why - how’ loop of our new intentions. Once you sign up, you are in the loop and can start your 21 days when you are ready.

Included In Membership

Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From £21.00/month

In This Program


January Program:

 Clarity | Mindful Rituals

Ready to substitute old habits with mindful rituals in the new year?

Committing to a "Sadhana" is an ancient yogic practice and means committing to a certain practice for a set amount of time. This allows new habits to form without letting the mind get in the way.

Are you ready to be held accountable by your community?

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